When a package arrives at your warehouse, the logistics journey doesn’t end. Offloading and transferring goods inside a warehouse can be a significant challenge when there are dozens (if not hundreds) of different products traveling to different locations.
Your warehouse workers, on the other hand, can dump, store, and pick up products far more efficiently if you have the correct material handling system in place. We’ll go over what material handling is, why it’s important for warehouse management.
What Is Material Handling
Material handling is defined as the “movement, protection, storage, and management of materials and products throughout manufacture, warehousing, distribution, consumption, and disposal” in a warehouse environment. The process uses a combination of manual, semi-automated, and automated equipment and systems to keep the supply chain running smoothly. Material management can help you achieve the following goals when used correctly:
Why Material Handling Is Important
Warehouse material handling is an important aspect of any warehouse’s performance. The reason for this is that following correct materials handling procedures will reduce accidents and increase your facility’s efficiency.
This means that material handling may improve customer service by making things easier to locate, move, and ship; lower expenses by reducing the time spent moving products, and reduce product damage by correctly carrying your products.
A proper material handling policy is essential for optimizing loading dock productivity and reducing workplace accidents.