Tips To Ensure Your Workers Compensation Claim Is Paid

Insurance companies do not like to pay out workers compensation claims. When they do pay, they try to pay the least amount possible. This makes it difficult for those injured and placing a claim to get what they rightly deserve for their injuries. Before you place a claim, it is essential to contact one of the reputable workers compensation lawyers Portland Oregon found at Working with a lawyer can ensure you get what you deserve from your work accident. Below are some tips for ensuring your claim gets paid.

Report Injury As Soon As Possible

In order to file a claim, it is crucial you report your injuries as soon as possible. In most cases, it needs to be reported in less than 30 days. However, failing to report your injuries immediately will not automatically take away your legal right to file a claim. The sooner you do file a workers compensation claim, the better chance you will have of it being approved.

Get Medical Treatment

In order to have a successful claim, you will need proof of your injuries. After you tell your supervisor you were injured, it is important to get medical help right away. Do not wait to get medical help. Most insurance companies will assume that your injuries were not serious if you fail to get checked out right away.

Explain Circumstances Around Getting Injured

Many insurance companies will deny claims if the initial medical records do not adequately describe how the accident occurred or the full extent of the injuries. Do your best to clearly describe the circumstances around the incident to your supervisor and any doctor who evaluates you.

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Be sure to keep all statements you make consistent with each other. Oftentimes, insurance companies will deny claims if the worker submits statements that are different each time about what actually happened. If you tell your supervisor the accident happened a specific way, your doctor will need to hear the same story. If you are unable to concentrate right after your accident, speak with your supervisor once you have received treatment.